Sunday, March 24, 2013

To keep you up to date and let you know where I am at in this process, I am including some items for you to view. Below you will find links to surveys, a list of compiled comments made by teachers, parents and students as a result of communication and focus groups, as well as the newly revised surveys I presented to my site supervisor/principal this week. I hope to get the proposed drafts back early next month, so I can convert these documents into digital surveys that students and parents can use through Survey Monkey.

Previous Student Course Survey: This is what the survey for students currently looks like. Students are given a link they can go to to take a digital survey. They are asked to select a teacher and then begin filling in responses to statements.

Previous Parent Course Survey: This is what the survey for parents currently looks like. Parents are given a link they can go to to take a digital survey. They are asked to select a teacher and then begin filling in responses to statements.

Feedback from interviews, meetings, and focus groups: The feedback shown is about surveys in general and how they should be revised. There are a variety of responses regarding the implementation of surveys, the content, and general feelings. If you have questions, let me know and I can clarify.

The revised Student Course Survey created as a result of my action research: Here are the revised surveys the Survey Revision Team came up with. These documents were developed using the data collected through a series of student, teacher, and parent interviews and focus group meetings. In addition to these changes, I have requested that we find a way to funnel survey comments into categories, so teachers know the comments being made are about "X" class. Also, I have requested that students and parents be given an explanation with examples about the purpose of surveys to encourage positive, constructive, and purposeful feedback. You will notice some similarities and many changes. After approval, these surveys will be transferred to Survey Monkey for the final look.

The revised Parent Course Survey created as a result of my action research:

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