Sunday, March 10, 2013

Data Data Data (action research)

This week I was taken further down the Rabbit hole of action research. I was actually glad to get the chance to hear actual professionals outside of my own "safe zone." It was a good reminder for me because I had gotten so caught up in the "action" of inquiry that I forgot how integral data was to the process. As important as data is, I have to say "buyer beware!" I commented in my assignment this week that some administrators use data alone to base their decisions on. This is a mistake! If you are not looking at the many different aspects (whole picture) involved in data collection, you could miss important, unseen factors that could be causing a skew. It is important to talk to the people, look at the systems in place, and evaluate all of the different aspects contributing to the data being collected. Don't confuse data with inquiry. It is important to look into your programs and your people before making decisions that affect them.

Another interesting topic that came up from the interviews that I saw this week was about taking research and studies from outside entities, breaking it down, and rebuilding it as your own. This is smart business. If you can find a system or program that is successful somewhere else, look at how it could benefit your organization. That doesn't mean copy and paste... Schools are like ecosystems, you can't just introduce a new kind of water and expect things to "clean up." Sometimes that new water will contaminate and cause more harm. You have to look at the needs of your ecosystem and carefully consider what you are introducing.

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