Sunday, March 24, 2013

Action Research Update

In week four of EDLD 5301, I met with my site supervisor (principal) to discuss the progress of my first action research plan (Surveys). I have completed items 1-9. During this meeting, my site supervisor made a directive decision to skip the remaining items, so he could present this to the superintendent for review. After asking for feedback and seeking out any affirmations about my work, I was only given acknowledgment for my time and efforts, but my principal stated that although this is a step in the right direction, he didn't know if it was quite there, or what would happen. I am not sure what this meant, as I completed the majority of an action research plan he asked me to do within the ridiculous time constraints he gave me. I took it to mean that he wasn't sure surveys were the answer at all. As of now, I am in limbo and can only wait to see what happens next, and/or if I can complete my action research plan. I am hoping that when I become a principal, I will remember what this feels like, so I can be sure not to do this to an employee. Although the surveys can still come back and I might be able to complete this plan, it would be a shame to see my time and the time of those involved in this process be for nothing if the surveys are rejected.

I appreciate the feedback you have given to me about my plan. Your kind words of encouragement have kept me on track and keep me focused when swimming through this quagmire of red tape. I feel like my principal is beginning to come around to the idea of me doing this work, but I am a bit discouraged at times too. The lack of positive reinforcement from my site supervisor has made me question my desire to do this work in the future.

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