Thursday, February 28, 2013

How educational leaders might use blogs

The second posting for my masters course is to talk about how educational leaders might use blogs...
I would like to say that this is the answer for everything. * I guess I just did.

I think educational leaders could use blogs much like an informal collaborative professional group. I associate blogs with sitting around chatting over a few drinks with colleagues. It could potentially be more affective than a professional group if you think about it. For some reason, principals tend to isolate themselves and take on too much burden. I have seen this and the opposite which is the principal dumping all of their responsibilities on the A.P. and avoiding work all together. Blogs are an excellent way to talk about the struggles and collaborate with others who might be able to suggest solutions. I love to watch movies and I have a picture in my mind that says I remember seeing, probably in an educational movie of some kind, collegiate professors convening over drinks in a stuffy room where they would work out the problems of the world. Where does this happen in reality? If it does happen, I would like to be there to engage in those conversations! Blogs can be that conversation for educational leaders. We need more collaboration in education and it is time someone got the word out that even principals need to talk things out, reflect, meet with their peers, etc. Education should not have to be the burden of a few. It should be a collaborative effort at all levels.

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